Bringing the Gall Bladder and Liver Back From the Dead

There are numerous variables and factors that contribute to the miracle of digestion.  As you probably have picked up by now, it's an extremely complex process that has evolved in the human species over millions of years and it has co-evolved with bacteria and the most consistently available food sources and types.  Hint, hint: this is why diet is one of the most important contributors to health or unhealth.

Your body was literally built around fruit, vegetables, grains and animal meat.  When you add chemicals, preservatives, excess fats or sugars, excess refined grains to stress your digestive organs and if stressed over a long period of time your organs will eventually crumble under the pressure and all sorts of problems emerge one after another in a cascade waterfall of terribly gut-wrenching (literally) proportions.  However, your organs and internal cycles and systems are hardy and strong, built to last and can recover under the right circumstances.  And that is where we find ourselves; at the foot of the staircase of recovery.

There are a few different undertakings described in detail on this blog but we are about to walk right into the middle of what I could call the MOST IMPORTANT undertaking:  flushing and healing your liver and therefore your gallbladder.  

There's not much to your gallbladder.  It's a sac that holds bile and is meant to release the bile when you eat most anything but especially anything containing fat.  Your liver makes bile (among many other tasks) and then both stores the bile in your gallbladder and sends off bile directly to your small intestine.  However, it can't make bile fast enough to deal with a fatty meal such as scrambled eggs or a hamburger.  This is why folks who have their gallbladder removed (as you can probably guess this is not recommended) avoid fatty foods but it's not just fatty foods they avoid.  See here to see a list of what's to be avoided if you have your gallbladder removed.  Pretty extensive.  Also, I've talked to folks who have had their gallbladder removed and they are not better as a result.  That's very frustrating to hear especially in light of the numerous success stories of those who have undertaken flushing and cleansing protocols to regain healthy and abundant bile flow.  

Your doctor may give you a HIDA scan to measure exactly how much your gallbladder contracts after you're given a sufficient solution comprised of fat/oil.  I've read numerous stories of folks who end up in the single digits:  4% functionality, 9% functionality, even 0% functionality.  At this result your doctor declares your gallbladder defunct and schedules it to be removed.  Over 800,000 gallbladders are removed every year in the good ol' USA and I wonder how many of those removals could have been avoided with a simple 2-month (cheap as dirt!) protocol.  In fact, there's really no way for anyone but your local grocery store and pharmacy to make any money off this protocol which is great news.  

So if step 1 is to control your symptoms with diet, an immediately close step 2 is to begin flushing your liver and gallbladder every 1 or 2 weeks for a total of 8-10 times or until you stop seeing (soft) gallstones in your toilet the day after the flush.  If you flush every week this protocol should take 2 months but will monopolize every Friday night and Saturday morning for those 2 months.  If you flush every other week you at least give yourself a Friday night and Saturday morning every other week which is nice.  

Anyway, here's the flush protocol below.  In addition to the flush, taking milk thistle, Taurine and high quality Vitamin E which will help heal your liver as well as dissolve any calcified gall stones.  Calcified gallstones are generally not found in younger folks but can more typically found in those age 60 and above.  What the average liver flusher is looking for is the soft gallstones and the sludge that will not show up on any scan your doctor will give you.  In fact, your doctor may go so far as to tell you there aren't any soft gallstones or sludge in your gallbladder.  But if you're going so far as to look up digestive health online then I would empirically disagree.  Speaking of "empirical," we can see if you have soft gallstones by trying the flush below once and seeing what we find.  Don't stray from doing exactly as the protocol says or you may compromise the success of the flush:
  1. Buy a carton of Epsom Salts and a ripe grapefruit (the more absolutely delicious it smells the more ripe it is) and some extra virgin olive oil.   
  2. On the Friday, don't eat any fat and drink only water.  Eat cereals, grains, veggies...pretend you're a vegetarian for the day. Also, don't eat ANYTHING after 2pm.  You can drink water after 2PM as needed but don't overdo it.  
  3. Be home by 5:30pm.  Mix 2.5 cups of water with the juice of 1/2 the grapefruit and dump in 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salts.  Shake well and set aside.  No need to refrigerate.  
  4. 6PM - drink 1/3 of the solution you just made.
  5. 8PM - drink another 1/3 of the solution you just made.
  6. Between 8PM and 9:30PM poop your guts out and get your "house in order."  The Epsom Salts make every duct in your body dilate (get bigger) so this results in diarrhea.  Get ready for bed, clean the kitchen, kiss your spouse goodnight, etc.  At 10PM you will need to go immediately to bed and lay still for the rest of the evening.  You should stop pooping around 9:30 which is nice!
  7. 9:50PM - go to the bathroom one last time then mix 1/2 cup of olive oil with the juice of the other half of the grapefruit and shake well.  You should be prepared at this point to go immediately to bed after drinking the olive oil so make sure everything is in order and you are ready for this. 
  8. 10PM - drink the olive oil solution you just made.  Get it down quickly, rinse your mouth with water and get your arse right to bed.  Elevate your head/upper body with a few pillows and lay still for the rest of the night.  If at some point during the night you gotta go, then you gotta go but just lay still and sleep if possible.  It's been said you can also take ornithine to help you sleep but I haven't tried it.  
  9. 6AM - you will probably wake up naturally and have to poo.  Take the last 1/3 of the Epsom Salt solution to keep all your ducts dilated.  You may want to transfer from your bed to your couch at this point as you will be getting up regularly to poo for the next few hours.
  10. 6AM - 10AM - poop as needed.  I usually go 4-6 times before I get all the gallstones out.  You will notice small green or brown gooey balls of various sizes.  I usually release a few hundred by the end of the day on Saturday but I'm ready to go out and enjoy the day by early afternoon which is nice.  
You did it!  Quite an adventure for sure, especially if you've never embarked on any sort of cleansing journey.  So much for no gallstones, right?!  The theory behind it is quite simple.  Your liver stores bile in your gallbladder all day since you don't eat any fat and then you dilate your ducts with Epsom Salts to allow more space for gallstones to be pushed out.  When all the sudden you pound a high concentration of oil, your gallbladder contracts and your liver bile floods out taking the gallstones with the bile.  Without Epsom Salts it wouldn't happen and without steering clear of fat for the entire day it won't happen or won't work nearly as well.  It's not very "fun" but if you can find it in you to pull through and do it 8+ times you might just find yourself in a new feel good zone you haven't experienced in years.  Again, a healthy and abundant bile flow is the KEY to all this curing stuff we've been talking about.

You should be aware that there are a lot of naysayers out there who claim the so called "gallstones" are just coagulated olive oil mixed with bile and they are not in fact coming out of your liver/gallbladder.  

There are two reasons why I disagree:  First off if this were true then every time you flushed, even if you flushed every other day then you should come up with the same exact result which does not happen.  You need to wait at least a week in between flushes for the soft gallstones to move into a position where they would be expelled by the high pressure bile after you drink the olive oil.  

Second, most folks report that after 8-10 flushes they start to see much less or even no gallstones.  Then they continue to flush every few months or twice a year and only see a few gallstones.  This suggests that all this goo is in fact coming out of you and it's not just congealed olive oil and bile.  

On top of this, SO MANY PEOPLE have reported feeling much, much better after flushing regularly and some have even reported a total loss of all digestive issues and symptoms.  This makes sense since if you restore the flow of bile, you restore the cornerstone of your digestion.  

If you try it, please comment below and let us all know how it goes.  Cheers, to the re-birth of your liver!

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